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The second half the course will examine the use and development of private military contractors and their relationship to state security, war fighting, and the legal and ethical issues raised by the privatization of war. Assignments There are six assignments in this class. First, each student must submit an abstract and preliminary bibliography for his or her final paper by February 14th. An abstract is a 250 word or less statement outlining the research question and the proposed thesis that answers this central question. It should also briefly describe how this argument will be supported: e.g., using a case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; using a comparative study of French and British colonial rule; etc. Both your methodology and data sources should be clearly conveyed. Students are strongly advised to review any journal, such as the American Political Science Review, that contains an abstract for each article. Such journals are available on-line at  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org" www.jstor.org from any on-campus computer (or off-campus via library proxy); students need only read the abstract at the beginning of each article. After reading several, it will be obvious how to compose one yourself as they all follow the same basic pattern. The preliminary bibliography does not need to be annotated. This assignment will be used to approve your final paper topic. Second, an in-class midterm will be held on February 26th. The exam will consist of four sections: fill-in the blank, multiple choice, true/false, and matching. Students will have a degree of choice within each section. Third, a final paper is due on April 16th. The paper is expected to be ~15 pages, and can be on any topic broadly related to the relationship between firms and states that is appropriate for Global and International Studies (i.e., papers dealing solely with either the U.S. or an event prior to 1800 are not acceptable). Students are advised to pick something they are personally interested in learning more about. A list of past paper topics has been posted on Sakai to give you an idea of what has been done in the past. The abstract due in February will be used to approve your choice of topic and to provide initial guidance on refining the basic question posed in the paper. Individual papers will be discussed in more detail in one-on-one meetings to be held during class time on February 28th, March 2nd, and March 12th. These meetings will be held in my office, Coffey Hall room 402, rather than the classroom itself. Individual meeting times will be announced before hand via email. Regular class will not meet on those days. Fourth, all students will give an oral presentation of their final paper during the last week of class (April 23, 25, and 27). Each presentation must be accompanied by a PowerPoint or other visual presentation, and should be no longer than 12 minutes. Fifth, a final exam will be held during exam week on Monday, April 30th from 9-11 AM, or rescheduled by the registrars office. The Registrar has the final say as to when the exam will be held; the entire  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/adaemics/schedules" academic calendar is available on-line, as is the  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/schedules/spring/exam_schedule.shtml" exam schedule. The final is not cumulative, and will follow the same format was the midterm. Finally, active participation in class discussions and debates is expected. This class was deliberately kept small so as to provide an opportunity for students to be actively involved in a way not possible with 40 other students present. Please note that attendance and participation are not the same thing. Assignment Weight Abstract & Bibliography 10% Midterm Exam 20% Paper 20% Oral Presentation 20% Final Exam 20% Participation 10% Grades The following grading system will be used, with plusses and minuses added: A Excellent work, papers (essays) are well written and argued with a clear thesis that is well supported throughout. Written work is clear, concise, and devoid of errors (grammatical, lack of citation). While all papers can be revised endlessly, no immediate, obvious or quick changes would improve the caliber of the work. Participation in class discussions is consistent and thoughtful. B Good overall, although could stand minor improvement in places. Arguments typically require slightly greater elaboration or support. Written work can be unclear or vague in places, either due to a lack of conceptual clarity, or simply a writing style that is difficult to follow at times. If given a fairly short amount of time to improve the paper, the student is likely capable of making the needed improvements in the limited time allotted. In other words, a major revision is not called for, but several quick improvements could be made. Class participation is good, although not as consistent or forthcoming as from other students in the class. C The work is acceptable, however, suffers from numerous shortcomings that detract from the overall effort. Arguments are often ill supported and typically vaguely explained. Written work could stand substantial revision and improvement for clarity, basic grammar, citation/reference requirements, and overall presentation. Active participation in class discussion is often minimal, though occasionally present. D The minimum acceptable level to receive credit. Written work is weakly presented in terms of both clarity and accessibility, meaning that it is often difficult to follow or determine just what is being argued. Little to no supporting evidence is presented, and there are often large leaps of logic that raise questions as to the students understanding of the concepts under discussion. Papers often reflect serious difficulties with written English, raising concerns about the students ability to successfully graduate from college without significant improvement. Despite these weaknesses, however, the effort rises above the level needed to receive credit for the assignment. F Failure to meet the standards expected of students at ҹAV. Final course grades reflect the weighted average of the assignments as listed above, and follow the universitys grade system as outlined in the course catalog. Extra-credit assignments are not offered on an individual basis. Barring a medical emergency or similar situation, no extensions will be granted on any assignment. Late assignments are docked half a letter grade (5 points) for each 24-hr period the assignment is late. No assignment will be accepted late after 10 days; a zero will be recorded instead. You can only receive credit toward the GIST Capstone requirement with a final course grade of C or better; doing so with zeros in the calculation in this course is mathematically impossible. All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. All instances of cheating or plagiarism will result in at least a failed grade on the assignment, if not the entire course. All infractions are reported to the Dean for Student Academic Affairs for further disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from ҹAV University. The universitys policies related to academic integrity are list in the  HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/academics/catalog/undergrad/reg.shtml" catalog. All findings of academic misconduct are entered into a students university record and may be disclosed to graduate schools, state bar examiners, and others with a legitimate reason to inquire. The Abstract/Preliminary Bibliography, as well as the Final Paper, must be submitted (uploaded) to  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. A hard copy does not need to be turned in during class. A brief written grade report will be returned to each student through Sakai. A separate grade as well as comments on the oral presentation will be posted to Sakai prior to the final exam. The final paper should also be submitted (uploaded) to TURN-IT-IN, an on-line plagiarism testing service paid for by ҹAV; this service is accessible through Sakai. Since you will receive a report from TURN-IT-IN, you are encouraged to leave sufficient time to edit or correct your paper as needed prior to submitting your final copy. You will be able to modify your submission as long as Sakai is still accepting submissions for that assignment; resubmissions received after the due date will be considered late. Instructions for uploading your papers will be discussed in class as the time approaches, but on-line instructions are available HYPERLINK "http://www.luc.edu/itrs/teachingwithtechnology/sakai/sakai-student-tutorials.shtml"here. Traveling athletes, and those participating in other events as university representatives, are reminded to provide me with a copy of their travel schedules and any conflicting tournaments as soon as they become available. Only officially sanctioned university events will be considered. GISTAssessment All students in this course are required to submit material to facilitate the annual assessment of the program. To that end, each student must submit a portfolio by the end of the term that includes the following: - Two previously written papers (6 pages minimum), each from a different GIST course - A personal statement describing: 1) What you feel you have learned as a ҹAV student 2) Experiences you have found most helpful (courses; internships ) 3) An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the GIST program itself. Please combine all aspects into a single file (Word preferred, PDF acceptable) and email it to me no later than Monday, April 30th. Texts There is one required textbook for this course, which is available in the campus bookstore. Electronic links to articles are accessible via an electronic version of this syllabus that will be posted on the course home page within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. All readings marked (ERES) are available for download from as electronic reserves from within  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Sakai. Links to other webpages are embedded in this syllabus, which again, can be downloaded. All readings marked either (JSTOR) or (Academic Search Premier) must be accessed from a ҹAV University server, either on-campus, or off-campus via a proxy. Please consult the  HYPERLINK "http://libraries.luc.edu/offcampus" library if you need help. Required Text: Singer, P.W. 2007. Corporate Warriors: the rise of the privatized military industry. Cornell University Press. ISBN: 978-0-8014-7436-1 I: Introduction Week 1 1/17/18 Class Introduction No reading assignments 1/19/18 Methods and Topics E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"McNabb, David. 2004. Selecting a Research Topic, in Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: quantitative and qualitative methods, 2nd Ed. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 80-92. Recommended Readings (not required): for use on the final paper E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"McNabb, David. 2008. Eight Steps in The Research Process, in Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: quantitative and qualitative methods, 2nd Ed. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 71-9. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Johnson, Janet Buttolph and H.T. Reynolds. 2004. Conducting a Literature Review, in Political Science Research Methods, 5th Ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, pp. 135-52. E-Link (ERES): HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/"Van Evra, Stephen. 1997. Hypotheses, Laws, and Theories: a users guide, in Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 7-48. Week 2 1/22/18 How to Make Informative Tables & Figures E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Johnson, Janet and H.T. Reynolds. 2012. Making Sense of Data: first steps, in Political Science Research Methods, 7th Ed. Los Angeles: Sage/CQ Press, pp. 354-95. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=1076-9986%28199721%2922%3A1%3C1%3AITDWNT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L" Wainer, Howard. 1997. Improving Tabular Displays, with NAEP Tables as Examples and Inspirations. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 22(1): 1-30. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://lilt.ilstu.edu/gmklass/pos138/datadisplay/sections/goodtables.htm" Klass, Gary. 2002. Constructing Good Tables. Illinois State University. On-line edition. E-Link (web): HYPERLINK "http://www.datavis.ca/gallery/index.php"Friendly, Michael. 2000. The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics. York University. Skim the website and consider both the good (Laurels) and bad examples (Darts). II. States, Firms, and Markets 1/24/18 What are firms, and why do they exist? E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/2626876" Coase, R. Harold. 1937. The Nature of the Firm. Economica, New Series. 4(16): 386-405. 1/26/18 Early History E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Wilkins, Mira. (2001), "The history of multinational enterprise", in A.M. Rugman and T.L. Brewer (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Business, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-35. Week 3: Death and Taxes? 1/29/18 What to tax and how to collect it? E-Link (Economist):  HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2012/05/tax-policy" Economist. 2012. The VAT of the Land. The Economist, May 3, 2012. On-line edition. E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "https://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/04/10/how-to-really-simplify-the-tax-code/" Bartlett, Bruce. 2012. How to Really Simplify the Tax Code, NY Times, April 10, 2012. On-line edition.  1/31/18 Taxing Corporations E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/40722154" Kurdle, Robert. 2002. The Nation-State is Not Losing Its Power to Tax, Challenge, 45(4): 71-87. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/57052/william-f-wechsler/follow-the-money" Wechsler, William. 2015. Follow the Money: secrets and lies, Foreign Affairs, 4. (on-line). 2/2/18 The Competition for Firms E-Link (Economist):  HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21706267-european-commissions-assault-technology-giant-wrong-bruised-apple" Economist. 2016. Bruised Apple: the European Commissions assault on the technology giant is wrong. The Economist, September 3, 2016, On-line edition. E-Link (Economist): HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/news/business/21706238-european-commissions-huge-penalty-against-apple-opens-up-new-front-war-tax"Economist. 2016. The 13 billion bite. The Economist, September 3, 2016, On-line edition. E-Link (Economist):  HYPERLINK "https://www.economist.com/news/europe/21706549-europes-most-europhile-country-warpath-brussels-over-tax-upsetting-apple-cart" Economist. 2016.  Upsetting the Apple Cart: Europes most Europhile country is on the warpath with Brussels over tax. The Economist, September 8, 2016. On-line edition.  Week 4: Corruption & the Business of Sports 2/5/18 Money and the State E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Treisman, Daniel. 2000. The Causes of Corruption: a cross-national study, Journal of Public Economics, 76(3): 399-457. 2/7/18 The Best That Money Can Buy: FIFA and the IOC E-LINK (Project Muse):  HYPERLINK "http://muse.jhu.edu.flagship.luc.edu/journals/sais_review/v031/31.1.szymanski.html" Szymanski, Stefan. 2011. ҹAV Winning: The Political Economy of Awarding the World Cup and the Olympic Games, SAIS Review, 31(1): 87-97. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/other_sports/olympics_2012/3939219.stm" Fordcye, Tom. 2004. the Track Record on Olympic Corruption. The BBC. July 30, 2004. On-line. E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org.flagship.luc.edu/stable/40203675" Wamsley, Kevin. 2002. The Global Sport Monopoly: a synopsis of 20th century Olympic politics, International Journal, 57(3): 395-410. 2/9/18 Bidding for the Olympic Games: should Chicago bid again? E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/about-us/terms" Cholke, Sam and Tanveer Ali. 2016. Chicagos 2016 Olympics: what it meant and why it didnt happen. DNAinfo, August 3, 2016, On-line edition. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/columnists/ct-haugh-olympics-spt-0803-20160802-column.html" Haugh, David. 2016. In retrospect, losing 2016 Olympics to Rio a big victory for Chicago, Chicago Tribune, August 2, 2016, On-line edition. Week 5: State-Owned Firms & Development 2/12/18 The Logic of State-Owned Firms E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org/stable/20699562" Bremmer, Ian. 2009. State Capitalism Comes of Age: the end of the free market? Foreign Affairs, 88(3): 40-55. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Stiglitz, Joseph. 2000. Public Production of Goods and Services, in Economics of the Public Sector, 3rd. New York: W.W. Norton, pp. 189-213. 2/14/18 The State, Firms, and Economic Development E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Coughlin, Cletes et al. 1999. Protectionist Trade Policies: a survey of theory, evidence and rationale in Contending Perspectives in International Political Economy. Nikolaos Zahariadis, Ed. New York: Harcourt Brace, pp. 37-49 E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Hart, Jeffrey & Aseem Prakash. 2000. Strategic Trade and Investment Policies: implications for the study of international political economy in International Political Economy: perspectives on global power and wealth, 4th Ed. Jeff Frieden and David Lake, Eds. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, pp. 180-191. Abstracts and Preliminary Bibliographies Due 2/16/18 Sovereign Wealth Funds E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/52cc338e-633f-11e4-9a79-00144feabdc0.html" \l "axzz3O4GW4hSK" Milne, Richard. 2014. Norway: Braced for a new wave of investment, Financial Times, November 3, 2014.  E-Link (Economist): HYPERLINK "https://www.google.com/search?q=sovereign+wealth+funds+economist&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1"Economist. 2016. Norways Global Fund: How not to spend it, The Economist, September 24, 2016. On-line edition. E-Link (web): HYPERLINK "https://sites.tufts.edu/sovereignet/"Tufts University. 2017. The Sovereign Wealth Fund Initiative. Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. On-line. (Skim the website) Week 6: Public Bailouts of Private Firms 2/19/18 Bailouts & Moral Hazard E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Johnson, Simon and James Kwak. 2010. The Best Deal Ever, in 13 Bankers: Wall Street takeover and the next meltdown. New York: Pantheon Books, pp. tba-tba. E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Johnson, Simon and James Kwak. 2010. Too big to fail, in 13 Bankers: Wall Street takeover and the next meltdown. New York: Pantheon Books, pp. tba-tba. Recommended: not required Stern, Gary H., and Ron J. Feldman. 2004. Too Big to Fail: The Hazards of Bank Bailouts. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. 2/21/18 In-Class Video: Frontline.  HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/breakingthebank/" Breaking the Bank, PBS. June 16, 2009. E-Link (web): Read each of the  HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/breakingthebank/interviews/" interviews that supplement this video Cudahy Library DVDs (1st Floor: 046-4935) 2/23/18 In-Class Debate: bailouts and subsidies No additional readings Week 7: Midterm Exam and One-on-One Meetings 2/26/18 Midterm Exam III. Paper Discussions 2/28/18 One-On-One Meetings to Discuss the Final Paper A schedule will be distributed in advance Begin reading Singer: see Chapter assignments starting October 26th 3/2/18 One-On-One Meetings to Discuss the Final Paper Week 8: Spring Break 3/5/18 No Class 3/7/18 No Class 3/9/18 No Class Week 9: One-on-One Meetings continue + Private Military Contractors 3/12/18 One-On-One Meetings to Discuss the Final Paper IV. Private Military Contractors 3/14/18 The History of Private Military Forces Chapters 1 & 2 in Singer 3/16/18 The Growth of PMCs Chapter 3 in Singer Week 10: The Supply and Demand for Contractors 3/19/18 State Demand for PMCs Chapters 4 & 13 in Singer 3/21/18 Private Sector Demand for PMCs, and the Business Model Continue reading Singer: no additional reading assignments 3/23/18 What Do Contactors Do? Chapters 5 & 6 in Singer Week 11: Transforming a modern military 3/26/18 Secretary Rumsfeld and Transformation E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=430" Rumsfeld, Donald. 2001. DOD Acquisitions and Logistics Excellence Week Kickoff Bureaucracy to Battlefield. Speech. September 10, 2001. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), US Department of Defense.  E-Link (JSTOR):  HYPERLINK "http://www.jstor.org.flagship.luc.edu/stable/20033160" Rumsfeld, Donald. 2002. Transforming the Military, Foreign Affairs, 81(3): 20-32. 3/28/30 Transformation continued Chapters 10 & 11 in Singer 3/30/18 No Class: Easter Break Week 12: Case Study Week 4/2/18 No Class: Easter Break 4/4/18 The US Experience E-Link (ERES):  HYPERLINK "https://sakai.luc.edu/" Schwartz, Moshe. 2011. The Department of Defenses Use of Private Security Contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq: background, analysis, and options for Congress. Congressional Research Service, Report # 40835. Chapters 8, 9, 15, & Postscript in Singer 4/6/18 In-Class Video:  HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/warriors/" Frontline. Private Warriors. June 21, 2005. PBS. Week 13: Case Studies cont. 4/9/18 Blackwater: Nisour Square, Baghdad Chapters 12 & 14 in Singer E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/23/us/blackwater-verdict.html" Apuzzo, Matt. 2014. Blackwater Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Iraq Killings, NY Times, October 22, 2014. On-line version. E-Link (NY Times):  HYPERLINK "https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/04/world/middleeast/blackwater-contractors-iraq-sentences.html" Apuzzo, Matt. 2017. In Blackwater Case, Court Rejects a Murder Conviction and Voids 3 Sentences, NY Times, August 4, 2017. On-line version. 4/11/18 Executive Outcomes: Angola, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone Chapter 7 in Singer 4/13/18 Executive Outcomes & Sandline: Sierra Leone continued, & Papua New Guinea E-Link (BBC):  HYPERLINK "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/333234.stm" BBC. 1999. PNG pays up to mercenaries, BBC News, May 1, 1999, On-line edition. E-Link (web):  HYPERLINK "http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/CICrimJust/1997/23.pdf" Dinnen, Sinclair. 1997. Money, Guns and Politics mercenary times in Papua New Guinea, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 9(2): 170-9. Week 14: Discussion and Review 4/16/18 Discussion: the plus side /0PQUY\abcfϿϯ}rg}YYKhh(aJmH nH uhh@ aJmH nH uhaJmH nH uh{XaJmH nH uh2 aJmH nH uhW#5aJmH nH uh5aJmH nH uh{X5aJmH nH uhh<5aJmH nH uhhi5aJmH nH u'jhhi5UaJmH nH uhhiaJmH nH uhhq|aJmH nH uQgjt a b c    gdS1$`$a$N    J K L _ ` b c o y z ռ஛ugYNYCYCYh*aJmH nH u   ( l \ {    ( + G L N `h ռգ࣊o__hhi6aJmH nH uh>ih>iH*aJmH nH uh>iaJmH nH uhhV{oaJmH nH uhSaJmH nH uhhiaJmH nH uh=aJmH nH uhhaJmH nH uhKMaJmH nH uhaJmH nH uhh[7aJmH nH u!hh[75>*aJmH nH u"  ./0=>8u ߫ߠ|laVaaH|lHhhZaJmH nH uhTD#aJmH nH uh2 aJmH nH uh>ih>iH*aJmH nH uh>iaJmH nH uhhV{oaJmH nH uhSaJmH nH uh(aJmH nH uhh^aJmH nH uhhi0JaJmH nH u*jhhiUaJmH nH uhhiaJmH nH u$jhhiUaJmH nH u 9?.:DICs}ʱ񛐀ujhSaJmH nH uh{XaJmH nH uh>ih>iH*aJmH nH uh>iaJmH nH uhqFaJmH nH uhWDaJmH nH uhhV{oaJmH nH uhTD#aJmH nH uhhiaJmH nH uhhZaJmH nH uh2 aJmH nH uhhp$aJmH nH u')Qcs*-ź۬xj\hhV{oaJmH nH uhhn>aJmH nH uhhZaJmH nH uhWDhWDH*aJmH nH uhWDaJmH nH uhaJmH nH uhhiaJmH nH uh{XaJmH nH uh>iaJmH nH uhTD#aJmH nH 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